MEP Barry Cowan meeting with Teresa Lennon, Head of the Irish Regions European Office (IREO) at the European Parliament.

Cowen meets with IREO on EU funding for sustainable rural development

MEP Barry Cowen recently met with Irish Regions European Office (IREO) Head Teresa Lennon to discuss the pivotal role of EU funding in regional development and the future of EU cohesion policy.

The meeting focused on the Irish Delegation to the Committee of the Regions and the opportunities within the EU Just Transition Fund (JTF) aimed at assisting the Midlands in its shift towards a more eco-friendly future.

During the meeting, Cowen emphasized the need for greater funding to be allocated to local communities in the Midlands North-West Region to support their transition to more sustainable farming practices. He further highlighted the need for targeted financial assistance tailored to the unique challenges faced by Ireland’s rural areas.

The JTF has already allocated significant resources to the Midlands, with €87 million invested in job creation and economic diversification through local tourism and enterprise projects.

An additional €57 million is dedicated to restoring degraded peatlands and repurposing industrial heritage sites, vital for environmental sustainability and community regeneration.

Recent funding initiatives include €38 million for renewable energy projects and €18 million for local infrastructure and sustainable tourism.

Cowen said, "Notwithstanding this progress, it is essential we see a new sustained commitment in the next round of Justice Transition to specifically target those areas most impacted by acceleration of decarbonisation.

“I am particularly anxious to see greater participation and ownership of the program by local stakeholders and community representatives," stated Cowen.

Cowen welcomed the progress made under the Just Transition Programme and said he looked forward to meeting with the directors of the regional assemblies of Ireland in the future to continue discussions on the cohesion policy and explore ways to increase funding for rural communities.