Pictured at the presentation of the Gala Excellence Award to Darcy's Gala, Mountlucas, were Ben McGinn and Tom Hardiman from Gala Retail, with Caroline Cronin, Sharon Bracken and Tom Darcy from Darcy's Gala, Mountlucas.

Two Offaly stores bring home Gala Excellence Awards

Two Gala convenience stores from Offaly have been awarded the Gala Award for excellence in retail at the 2024 Gala Annual Awards, which took place at Lawlor's of Naas, in Kildare.

The Offaly stores that received the Gala Excellence Awards at the event were Darcy's Gala, Mountlucas, and Lawlor's Gala, Durrow.

Presented to stores that are deemed ‘outstanding’ following a comprehensive and independent assessment process, the Gala Excellence Awards recognise quality in retailing throughout the Gala Group.

The awards evening, hosted by sports broadcaster and chat show host Jacqui Hurley, marked a celebration for the Gala Retail Group, highlighting the achievements of the 200+ Gala Stores all over Ireland.

Ben McGinn and David O'Brien from Gala Retail with Susan Lawlor from Lawlor's Gala, Durrow, Offaly.

Speaking at the awards dinner, Gary Desmond, CEO of Gala Retail, congratulated the winning stores: "This year's Gala Excellence Awards are a true testament to the dedication and commitment that our retailers bring to their communities."

He noted that the Gala group was celebrating its 25th anniversary, and that it was an opportune moment to recognise the outstanding efforts of its stores in Offaly.

"These awards not only honour the exceptional standards these stores maintain daily but also highlight the incredible journey Gala Retail has undertaken over the past 25 years.

"We are proud to have grown into a network of over 200 stores across Ireland, and we wish them continued success in the coming year and look forward to celebrating their future accomplishments," he said.