Minister for Social Protection and Rural & Community Development, Heather Humphreys, with members of the local community at the official opening of Killeigh Community Centre on Wednesday evening. Photo: Ger Rogers

New Killeigh centre hailed as “an absolute credit” to local community

As she cut the ribbon to declare the official opening of the state-of-the-art Killeigh Community Centre this week, the Minister for Rural Development, Heather Humphries, said the new facility was “an absolute credit” to each and every person who had worked tirelessly over many years to bring the project to life.

Taking time out from the two-day Fine Gael 'think-in' in Tullamore, Minister Humphreys was in jubilant mood when she arrived in Killeigh on Wednesday evening, where she heaped praise on the members of the local Development Association and their chairperson, Maria Bannon, for having the “vision and foresight” to replace the old and derelict Macra hall in the village.

Pointing out that the government had committed funding of “up to €1 million” towards the cost of the project, she added that the raising of over €400,000 by the local community was “a phenomenal effort” for such a small area.

“You have spent years working towards the delivery of this project, and it is centres like this that make rural Ireland a better place to work, live, invest, and raise a family in,” she said.

Minister for Social Protection and Rural & Community Development Heather Humphreys, TD, receiving a bouquet of flowers from Martina Gorman, committee member, at the official opening of the new Killeigh Community Centre on Wednesday. Photo: Ger Rogers

The Cathaoirleach of Offaly County Council, Cllr Tony McCormack, said Killeigh Community Centre stood as a testament to “the power of community spirit, resilience and determination,” and said it was the result of years of “hard work, tireless fundraising and the unwavering commitment of the people of Killeigh”.

Describing the dedication of the Development Association as “inspiring”, he said it served as a great example of what can be achieved “when people come together with a shared purpose”.

The new centre will “enhance the social life of the community”, said Cllr McCormack, and will play a vital role in “reducing social isolation and enhancing the wellbeing of those living in rural and remote locations” in Killeigh and the surrounding areas.

Maria Bannon, chair of Killeigh Development Association, said the new centre was “not just the opening of a building, but the beginning of a new chapter” for the local community in Killeigh, adding that it was a chapter “filled with opportunity, collaboration and growth” and where young and old can “feel connected to their community once again”.

She acknowledged and thanked the many people whose “incredible efforts” had culminated with the official opening of Killeigh Community Centre, among them being Minister Humphries and her Department for funding; the staff of Offaly County Council and Offaly Local Development Company; the local community who had fully supported and backed the many fundraising events; those who signed up the the Patrons and Sponsors Scheme, and other community groups, including those in Durrow, Ballinamere and Mucklagh, who were “so happy to share their experiences” and continue to “support and assist” the members of the Development Association.

The building project was led by Conor Finnegan, of McCarthy O’Hora Architects, “from conception to finish”, said Maria Bannon, and she thanked him for his “vision for the whole project” and for “taking a personal interest in it from the very start”.

She described her fellow members on the Development Association as being “determined, hardworking, dedicated, resilient and community-minded” and said they worked “extremely hard” over the past six years to achieve their “single goal” of delivering a community centre for the people of Killeigh.

“It is more than just bricks and mortar, it is a space that will host our stories, dreams and the vibrant energy of our community,” she said.

The Chief Executive of Offaly County Council, Anna Marie Delaney, said the amount of fundraising undertaken for the redevelopment of the Macra Hall, to transform it into a new community centre for the village of Killeigh was “nothing short of extraordinary” and she praised the “resilience and determination” of the Development Association in pursuing the project, even in the face of “many setbacks.”

She added that the new centre had “greatly improved the streetscape” and had given the local community “a new sense of pride”.