'Modern teaching facility' for Oaklands welcomed

Noel Bourke, former long time Chairman of the Board of Management of Oaklands Community College in Edenderry, has said that it is good news that planning permission has been granted for the proposed new Oaklands Community College on a site adjacent to Edenderry Shopping Centre.

"Because of the size of the building and it's location, considerable time was needed to deal with all the planning permission issues," said Noel Bourke, who added that it is great to get it to the stage it is now at.

Noel Bourke said that the new college would accommodate 1,000 students in what would be a modern teaching facility.

"Approval will now be sought to put out to tender the building of the college and all site work, including the demolition of the partly built derelict hotel structure," said Noel Bourke, who added that it is expected that work on building the whole development will commence within the next twelve months.

Noel Bourke said that during his time as Board Chairman, the then Principal, the late Gerry Connolly, and himself put a lot of work into getting approval for a new Oaklands College and since he took over as Principal, Brian Kehoe had worked very hard to bring it to its present status.

Noel Bourke said that when the building work is completed, Edenderry will have two excellent second level modern teaching facilities, Oaklands Community College and St Mary's Secondary School.