The building on River Street.

Boost for plans for major new Clara community facility

Clara is to be benefit from €50,000 funding for design and planning work on a proposal to convert a building on River Street to a multi-purpose community space.

The funding was announced today by the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys as part of a national alloation of €2.6 million to support the development of a wide range of Town Centre First projects.

Welcoming the funding, Offaly Cabinet Minister Pippa Hackett said: “Green policy is to reverse the doughnut effect in our towns and we introduced ‘Town Centre First’ policy to the Programme for Government. We are now seeing the results as funding is following plans to revitalise towns like our own Clara in County Offaly.

“Refurbishment of old buildings for a new purpose happens in stages and today’s funding of €50,000 for a detailed design proposal and planning permission for the former co-operative building at River Street, Clara into a multi-purpose community space is a very welcome step along the way. Huge gratitude must go to the Town Teams who are on the ground working for the betterment of their communities,” she said.

The former Co-Op building is located on River Street and in close proximity to the junction with Bridge Street and Main Street. The building is two storey with frontage to River Street. Over the years the building has had many uses including a street mill, school, co-operative, retail and residential. The regeneration of the former Co-Op building presents an opportunity to bring a prominent building back into active use as a new community building that will provide spaces for the many community groups in the town such as the Community Council, Town Team, Heritage Society, Tidy Towns and Chamber of Commerce.

The cost of restoring the building as a new community facility along with new active travel link to Erry Mill and new civic plaza area is estimated at between €2m and €2.5m

Earlier this year, Minister Heather Humphreys confirmed the building would be purchased for redevelopment under the Government's Town and Village Renewal Scheme.

A total of 53 projects will be supported with up to €50,000 of funding per project.

This funding will support pre-development works for projects and support costs including detailed design, planning, procurement, professional fees, assessments and other development costs.

Clara was announced in 2021 as one of 26 towns nationwide to each receive €100,000 for the development of a Town Centre First plan. The Clara plan was officially launched recently.

Announcing the funding, Minister Humphreys said: “I’m delighted to announce funding of €2.6 million today which will support Local Authorities and Town Teams to develop a strong pipeline of shovel-ready projects in our local towns.

“I am announcing funding for a wide range of projects today from the development of green spaces and parks in our town centres to projects which look at how vacant and derelict buildings in our towns can be brought back into use.

“I look forward to seeing these exciting projects and initiatives progress and make positive impacts for our rural towns and villages”.