Fuel allowance extended to people on Employment Support Schemes

The decision to extend fuel allowance to people on Employment Support Schemes has been hailed by local Senator and Minister Pippa Hackett, and she has urged those currently taking part in Community Employment, Tús or Rural Social Scheme to apply for the payment, which is €33 a week and runs from September 23 to April 4, 2025.

“I work with any number of volunteer and community groups across Offaly, and the positive contribution made to our society by the people working in these schemes is impossible to miss” she said.

Photo by Lorraine Maguire Photography

“Right now, a huge number of administrative, caretaking, cleaning, driving, care-giving and charitable jobs, among others, are being performed by people under these schemes, and we all benefit from their efforts in different ways.

“There are a myriad of reasons why people may have found themselves in a situation where this stepping stone is crucial on their journey to employment, or perhaps full employment is not an option for them, but they still want to make a positive contribution to the towns and villages in which they live, and either way, I’m delighted to see this support extended to them”.

The expansion of the scheme was announced this week by Minister for Social Protection, Heather Humphreys TD, and will benefit those that leave a qualifying social welfare payment to engage in an Employment Support Scheme, as well as those who move onto a qualifying social welfare payment for Fuel Allowance, following completion of an Employment Support Scheme (ESS).

In addition there are further benefits, such as eligibility for the ‘Warmer Homes Scheme’ and inclusion in the ‘Vulnerable Customer’ category that come with receiving Fuel Allowance, and further information on these benefits is available from Citizen’s Information.