Aoife Concannon and Carol Anderson, who attended the Youth Leadership Conference in Maynooth

Offaly teenagers attend Maynooth University for Youth Leadership Conference

Emily Sheehan

250 teenagers from around the world have gathered today, August 6, in Maynooth University, as part of Foróige’s Leadership for Life Youth Conference.

The conference, launched last week, brings together young people with the aim of teaching them the skills and confidence required to become leaders in their lives, and their communities.

During the week-long conference, the teenagers have learned crucial life skills such as empathy, decision making, problem solving, communication skills, critical thinking and team work.

Seán Campbell, CEO of Foróige, said “Leadership for Life is a circuit-breaker programme and can truly be life-changing for young people.”

“This conference gives them the chance to not just learn from expert speakers and facilitators, but also to develop themselves and grow with each other in a fun and relaxed environment.”

“Year on year I’m amazed by what young people can achieve when given the chance and the support. Every young person deserves to be able to access programmes like this.”

As part of the week-long conference, the delegates met inspirational guest speakers.

These speakers included renowned disability activist, and former Young Person of the Year Joanne O’Riordan, independent county councillor and Mayo's youngest representative Mark Duffy, Diversity and Inclusions Lead in RTÉ Zbyszek Zalinski, and ornithologist, wildlife sound recordist, and environmental activist Seán Ronayne.

The Foróige Leadership for Life Programme was developed in Ireland in 2009. Delegates taking part have been nominated by youth workers and volunteers leaders from their own countries, on account of their demonstration of an innate sense of justice, determination, passion and ability to lead.