Cllr John Clendennen

Offaly councillor Clendennen to seek Fine Gael general election nod

Birr-area Fine Gael councillor John Clendennen confirmed today (Tuesday) that he will be bidding to secure his party's nomination to run in the next general election.

His announcement comes four weeks after another Offaly councillor, Tullamore's Neil Feighery, also threw his hat into the ring for a Fine Gael general election nomination.

In a statement this morning, Cllr Clendennen said that over the past number of weeks he had been discussing a potential general election run with his family and with "a broad cohort of the party membership" in Offaly.

He pointed out that, at the local elections in June, Fine Gael had taken an extra seat in the Birr Municipal District and that he had also recorded an increase in his own personal vote.

"The results of the local elections and stellar leadership shown by our new Taoiseach, Simon Harris, have undoubtedly brought a new energy to the party both locally and nationally," stated Cllr Clendennen.

"I wholeheartedly believe the party must now build on the current momentum to ensure Fine Gael wins a seat in Offaly in the next General Election.

"It's important to acknowledge the help and support of so many people across the constituency, that gave up their time to help and campaigned, ensuring Fine Gael now holds five from nineteen seats at Offaly County Council.

Cllr Clendennen was first elected to Offaly County Council in 2014, and has contested party selection conventions previously.

"Over the past ten years as an elected public representative, I have proven my ability to work diligently to deliver for local communities, and I believe I have the skillset and experience to represent the people of Offaly at Dáil Éireann," he said.

"I am now asking the party membership to give me their support at the selection convention scheduled for August 29."