Josephine Healion, standing, second from left, in middle row, is pictured with some of the other athletes announced for the Paralympic Games

Healion set for Paralympic Games

Josephine Healion has been confirmed as part of the Irish team at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games.

Paralympics Ireland has announced twelve more athletes across three sports to represent Ireland this summer in Paris.

Healion (28), from Tullamore, will compete in the B2 Classification of the Para cycling at the games. Josephine has been selected along with pilot Linda Kelly

A member of the Tullamore Cycling and Touring Club, Healion was among twelve athletes announced for the Paralympics last week, bringing the team size to 24. Remaining members of the team to be announced on August 1.

Track racing gets underway on the first day of the Games, running from August 29 until September 1. The road events will start on Wednesday, September 4, and conclude on Saturday, September 7.  The track events will be in the Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Velodrome and the road events will take place in Clicky-Sous-Bois in Seine-Saint-Denis.

Paralympics Ireland CEO, Stephen McNamara said: “The addition of these twelve athletes has further added to the excitement that is building in the run up to the Games. With every athlete that is named a clearer picture of our Team Ireland forms. This is a huge moment for any athletes and those around them that provide endless support to help them follow their dreams of becoming a first time Paralympian or getting to a successive Games. Congratulations to all.”