Michelle Perry.

Profile of a Parkrunner: Meet Michelle

Meet Michelle Perry, who recently completed her 100th parkrun at Mountlucas parkrun. For more information about Mountlucas parkrun see parkrun.ie/mountlucas

When did you first complete a parkrun?

I first started in 2018 with my 2 sisters training to do a half marathon. We did 3 parkruns together and I was delighted to have finished my 5km in a personal best time of just over 25:25 minutes. My sisters and I took a break from running when Covid happened. I got back into running after 2 years. I felt very good to be back at parkrun; everyone was so nice and friendly.

How does it feel to have reached the significant milestone of 100 parkruns?

I loved seeing people at parkrun with their milestone t-shirts. My aim was to get mine. As the months went on, I reached new milestones of 25 parkruns and 50 parkruns. I recently completed my 100th parkrun. I felt so proud and delighted with myself.

What is your favourite parkrun memory?

My best memory was when I took 2 minutes off my quickest time. I thought when I went back I’d make that time again. It's really enjoyable when I volunteer some times, when you’re at the finish line and you see people cross the line, delighted when they have finished and especially if it’s a milestone.

What word best describes Mountlucas parkrun?

The one word that best describes Mountlucas parkrun is motivational.