Gardai in Laois-Offaly issue fresh warning about visits from bogus callers

"If in doubt, keep them out".

That was the message from Laois-Offaly Gardai today (Thursday) as they issued a new warning to the public about the potential threat from bogus callers.

In an online post, the force said: "Unfortunately, everyone can receive visits from bogus callers and our older persons are frequently targeted by them. Bogus callers will say anything to get into your home or onto your property."

The Gardai went on to say that common lines used by bogus callers included: "There's been an accident, can I call an ambulance?"; "I've broken down, can I use your phone?"; "I've had a fall, could I have a glass of water?"; "I'm from the council, there's a burst main, I need to turn off your supply"; or "We have excess tarmac from a job".

Occasionally, bogus callers tell people they are members of An Garda Síochána and are investigating counterfeit money, before going on to steal the person's money.

"Some will keep you talking at the front door while their accomplice sneaks in the back door. In all cases, you need to be wary of strangers calling to your home," stated the Gardai.

"They will be offering services such as powerwashing, painting, selling goods, etc."

Precautions people are recommended to take include not opening the door to anyone before checking who it is and what they want.

Members of the public are also advised to check identification where appropriate, to not leave strangers unattended on the doorstep, and to ensure the back door is locked when answering a call at the front door.

"We advise and encourage people not to engage with such callers. Don't open your door to anyone before you have checked who it is and what they want," stated the Gardai.

"They can be intimidating and refuse to take no for an answer. We ask you to be vigilant when out and about, and report suspicious persons or vehicles to us immediately.

"Remember, if in doubt, keep them out," the Garda post concluded.