Kevin is pictured front left, along with friends at Mountlucas Parkrun

Profile of a Parkrunner: Meet Kevin

Meet Kevin Curran, from Carbury, who is a regular participant at Mountlucas parkrun, as well as acting as Volunteer Coordinator for the event.

When did you first complete a parkrun?

My first parkrun was in Mountlucas in August 2017 soon after it started. Little did I know when I rocked up at 9.30 that sunny Saturday morning seven years ago what a big part of my life parkrun would become.

What is your favourite thing about parkrun?

Parkrun ticks many of the boxes that makes us happy as humans; physical exercise, social interaction, a sense of purpose and achievement, being outside in the fresh air as well as improved sleep are all known to add to our day to day happiness. Mountlucas parkrun starts at 9.30 sharp, so you have to get up and out on a Saturday morning . It gets the weekend off to a great start. Another thing I really like is that no one is an outsider or blow-in, parkrun welcomes all ages and all levels of abilities to take part.

What is your favourite parkrun memory?

We’ve had lots of great Saturdays in Mountlucas and all of them are fond memories. After the run we have chats and a bit of fun and encourage the other runners and walkers as they finish. I’ve met new people from the towns and villages around Mountlucas and beyond.

What words would best describe Mountlucas parkrun?

Without doubt, Mountlucas parkrun is the friendliest parkrun in the Midlands. Come along and see for yourself. If you find it difficult at first, stick with it for a few weeks and you will find yourself looking forward to getting up and out the door to be there for 9.30 to meet friends, get some exercise, enjoy the outdoors and still be home in time to do all those Saturday jobs that have to be done.