Dylan Kelly with his hero, Adam Screeney, and the project he prepared on Adam.

PICTURES: St Brendan's PS Birr: 6th class graduation and end of year awards

St Brendan's Primary School held its annual 6th class graduation event on Tuesday June 25, where the boys in their final month of primary school research a hero and then present a project along with a speech to their peers, staff, family, and friends.

This event has been running for the past 20 years since it was first introduced by Mr Crofton to the school. This year to a packed hall the hero speeches varied from Pele to TJ Reid to David Walliams. Then number 4 on the list, Dylan Kelly, went up to speak about his hero Adam Screeney, and guess what happened next!

Memories of a lifetime were made as who appeared at the door of the hall but the Kilcormac Killoughey magician himself.

This was a massive surprise for parents, boys, and staff alike and of course Dylan himself.

The school wished to thank Ms Roisin Donovan and Mr Damien Cunningham for rubbing whatever magic lamp they had and producing the genie.

A delighted Dylan and also Billy Carroll met their hero and took a few photos. Adam then spoke to the boys and crowd about the importance of having a hero to look up too and he remembered his own days growing up dreaming of his heroes on the hurling field.

The parents had a cup of tea at the interval and the boys enjoyed a slide show movie of their 6th class highlights created by Mr Crofton.

Ms Doyle then spoke and outlined how the boys had been an such a great class who had an amazing year with sports/robotics/trips and projects. She also mentioned the loss that this group had endured over the past eight years with family members and of course fellow pupil Tommy K back in Junior Infants and of how special it was that his little Mario teddy had followed the class each and every year. The resilience that this group has shown will be an asset to them going into the future.

The boys all wore their special 6th class graduation hoodies that were kindly sponsored by our Parents Association.

Mr Crofton thanked all present for their support in the journey over the past 8 years and encouraged each boy to always do his best and try to reach your dream. Mr Crofton also thanked the parents sincerely for placing their trust in the school and staff to provide the best holistic education for their boys.