Laois and Offaly Education and Training Board (LOETB) and Teagasc have announced a collaboration to deliver comprehensive training programmes and enhanced learner support services for agricultural learners. Pictured at the announcement were, back, L-R, Gráinne McGrath, Training Officer (LOETB); Padraig Boland, FET Manager- Strategic Projects (LOETB); Dr Anne Marie Butler, Head of Education in Teagasc. Front, L-R: Joe Cunningham, Chief Executive of Laois and Offaly Education And Training Board and Professor Frank O'Mara, Director of Teagasc.

Laois and Offaly ETB agrees agricultural training partnership with Teagasc

Laois and Offaly Education and Training Board (LOETB) and Teagasc have announced a new a collaboration to deliver comprehensive training programmes and enhanced learner support services for agricultural learners.

They said the partnership would aim to meet the evolving needs of the agricultural community by providing both accredited and non-accredited training opportunities, ensuring equal access for all to high-quality education and support.

A key focus of Laois and Offaly ETB’s agricultural strategy is the introduction of additional agricultural education through training programmes grounded on agricultural sustainability, a key consideration for farmers.

LOETB's target audience for this strategy is primarily part-time farmers in the Laois-Offaly area.

In most cases the target audience, due to necessity, will have off-farm income supplementation. LOETB said a key aim of its strategy was to ensure continuation of part-time farming, despite off-farm income and, where possible, upskill farmers such that, said off-farm income is generated within the agricultural sector.

Teagasc and LOETB said their hope was to educate farmers in the region to get the most from their parcel of land, regardless of size, while ensuring its sustainability and viability for future generations.

Joe Cunningham, Chief Executive of LOETB, commented: "Laois and Offaly Education and Training Board and Teagasc's collaboration marks a significant milestone in efforts to co-deliver both accredited and non-accredited training programmes to the land-based sector, ensuring its sustainability and viability for future generations, as well as enhancing learner support services for participants in Teagasc educational programmes.

"By combining our expertise, we aim to provide responsive, comprehensive, and high-quality educational opportunities that will greatly benefit agricultural learners, their families, and the broader agricultural community."

Professor Frank O’Mara, Teagasc Director, added: "Today represents an exciting new initiative and support for Teagasc learners.

"We are delighted to work with LOETB and provide new learner support officers. Our learners are at the centre of all we do at Teagasc Education.

"As we equip learners with the key skills, technologies and husbandries across agriculture, horticulture, equine and forestry, we look forward to strengthening our capabilities in learner support services."

The partnership between LOETB and Teagasc will take effect immediately, introducing enhanced learner support services in agricultural colleges and the development of new agricultural training programmes.