Fine Gael Cllr for the Edenderry area, Liam Quinn, criticised the decision of Independent Cllr, Sean O'Brien, to lend his support to Fianna Fail.

Quinn takes aim at independent councillor for Fianna Fáil support

A rebuke was fired in the direction of Independent Cllr Sean O'Brien at the first meeting of the new Offaly County Council members last week over his decision to support Fianna Fáil in their bid to control the council for the coming year.

Cllr O'Brien was one of two Independent councillors to support the election of Fianna Fail's Tony McCormack and Audrey Hennessy Kennedy as Cathaoirleach and Leas-Cathaoirleach respectively, with the second being Cllr John Leahy.

However, Fine Gael's Liam Quinn was less than impressed with the stance adopted by Cllr O'Brien, declaring that “one of the most ardent supporters of the downtrodden” had done “a full u-turn.”

Referring to the campaign slogan of Cllr O'Brien during his local election bicycle canvass – 'here comes O'Brien, there goes O'Brien' – Liam Quinn said he thought this was an attempt to show his solidarity with the marginalised. “Little did I know that he was about to jump ship and join forces with the nemesis, Fianna Fail, who were the root of all evil up to this,” remarked Cllr Quinn.

Cllr O'Brien made no apologies, however, for lending his support to Fianna Fail, saying “a council had to be formed and I am glad to have played my part in that.” In congratulating local businessman and Fianna Fail Cllr, Tony McCormack on his election as Cathaoirleach for the coming year, Cllr O'Brien said: “We may be competitors in politics, but we have a job of work to get done on this council and we all have to step up to the plate.”

Cllr John Leahy also made no apologies for his stance, saying he was “glad to be part of the Fianna Fáil grouping” along with Cllr O'Brien, which had contributed to the election of Tony McCormack. “Ultimately we are elected here to do our best for the whole community, and the most important issue for me is job creation, so I am delighted to see a local businessman who has contributed to creating jobs in this county being elected as Cathaoirleach” he said.