The Tullamore Regeneration Framework was published by Offaly County Council on Thursday last.

Future of 'eight key sites' in Tullamore outlined in regeneration plan

A public consultation period opened last week on a new long-term planning blueprint for Tullamore, which highlights the potential for regeneration projects to be put in place at eight 'key opportunity sites' in the town.

The sites in question are described by Offaly County Council as: the Grand Canal Harbour Site, the 'Texas site', lands behind High Street and O'Moore Street, lands south of O'Connor Square, Railway Lands, the Coen Site, lands behind Tullamore courthouse, and the Tanyard lands.

Potential ways in which new life could be breathed into these sites are outlined in the new Tullamore Regeneration Framework, which was published on Thursday last and made available for inspection online and in the offices of Offaly County Council, in conjunction with the new Grand Canal Harbour Masterplan.

The documents were published by the local authority with input from consultants Brady Shipman Martin / Faulkner Browns, Grafton Architects and Waterways Ireland.

The public consultation period in relation to them will continue until next month, and will also include the holding of an open day, to discuss the plans' proposals, in Tullamore Library.

This 'concept view' design image from the new Tullamore Regeneration Framework plan shows the potential for new four-bed terraced housing to be built next to a proposed walkway along Tullamore River.

According to the council, the Tullamore Regeneration Framework positions a the designated town centre areas "at the forefront" of Tullamore's future development.

It aims "to serve as a model for regeneration, promoting compact growth, creating healthy and appealing public spaces, enhancing urban resilience, improving permeability, fostering vibrancy, and encouraging sustainable mobility".

Commenting on the publication of the Tullamore Regeneration Framework and the Grand Canal Harbour Masterplan, Anna Marie Delaney, Chief Executive of Offaly County Council, said they would "provide immense opportunity to Tullamore and the wider county to reimagine and reinvigorate" the county town.

"The plans address the opportunities and challenges within Tullamore and, with Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF) support, creates opportunities for future projects in the town."

Pauline Byrne of the consultants Brady Shipman Martin added: "The Tullamore Regeneration Framework is forward-thinking, ambitious, and showcases creative designs for regeneration of Tullamore town centre.

"Utilising a multidisciplinary integrated approach, it encompasses the development of opportunity sites, public spaces and streets, traffic management, urban design and landscape design to formulate the strategy for the town.

"Key to the success of the plan has been Offaly County Council, the local community, and stakeholders who have come together to help shape and implement the plan."

This image shows the potential regeneration of land to the south of O'Connor Square in Tulamore.

Yvonne Farrell, a native of Tullamore, led the team for Grafton Architects along with Shelley McNamara.

Yvonne reflected: When I was a student at St Philomena's National School on Harbour Street, little did I think that, years later, I would be part of a design team researching the harbour, walled-in behind the school.

"The masterplan re-images how this hidden treasure of national importance and unique character can contribute to the life and culture of Tullamore."

Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed Tullamore Regeneration Framework and Grand Canal Harbour Masterplan Framework may be made in writing to Tullamore Municipal District, Town Hall, Cormac Street, Tullamore or submitted via email to on or before July 25, 2024.