Typical hedgerows in Offaly.

New hedgerow survey to be conducted in Offaly

Offaly County Council has engaged Flynn Furney Environmental Consultations to conduct a hedgerow survey across the county from June 17 to June 28.

This survey will focus on hedgerows within similar areas to understand their unique significance and monitor trends and changes within the network – the survey area is equals 2,367 square kilometres which is 1% of the hedgerows in Offaly.

Over recent years, Heritage Officers from each local authority have commissioned county-wide hedgerow survey. The most recent survey of Offaly hedgerows took place in 2005 and the survey results are available on https://www.offaly.ie/studies-and-reports/

Hedgerow, scrub and treelines cover approximately 6% of the land area of Ireland and represent a very significant aspect of Ireland’s heritage, especially as they possess features of archaeological, geological, social and natural heritage. These have a utility value, primarily in agricultural management as stockproof barriers and boundaries, and for the provision of shelter for livestock (and adjacent dwellings) during harsh weather. They also serve as indicators of land-use history, and an important wildlife corridors and habitat and are a significant refuge for wildlife on the more intensively managed farms in the county.

Flynn Furney Environmental Consultants will survey 28 sample squares across the district which are one square kilometre in size in June. Ricky Whelan, Biodiversity Officer with Offaly County Council advised: “Cooperation in granting access to the hedgerows on private land for the purpose of this survey is greatly appreciated. This survey is non-intrusive and consists simply of the identification and recording of the character, condition and range of species contained within hedgerows. While some photographs will be taken as part of the hedgerow survey, no photographs will identify structures or other aspects of the landholding. The completed survey will be hosted on www.offaly.ie”

Any queries in relation to this survey please contact Ricky Whelan by email – biodiversity@offalycoco.ie