Poster insects will help raise Green message

One local election candidate is hoping to get children engaged in the upcoming polls through an innovative addition to his election posters, which have been placed across the Edenderry area.

Councillor Mark Hackett of the Green Party said: “I have 150 posters put up, and across those I’ve placed 300 different stickers of insects, which I’m hoping children will notice as they drive past on their way to school, to visit family, to play sport or whatever,” he said.

“The majority of them are ladybirds, bumblebees and butterflies, which I’ve also chosen because this is Biodiversity Week, and if I can get children asking their parents what’s the link between the insects they see on a poster and the election, then I think that would be a great exercise and could really resonate with the next generation.

“To really get them to keep a good eye out, there are ten stickers of spiders, and I’ve spread those out all across the electoral area, and if any child gets in touch with me by asking someone to email on their behalf, I’ll do a draw later with a selection of prizes on offer”.

The councillor, alongside Ekaterina Koneva in the Birr MD and Liam Walsh in the Tullamore MD, is hopeful that the Green Party’s message of sustainability and respect for the environment is represented in the next council. Cllr Hackett says while he obviously hopes to get as many votes as possible on June 7, he also would be happy to see younger voters develop awareness of the link between their public representatives and how society is administered.