Local elections candidate Fergus McDonnell.

LE candidate highlights issue of delayed road maintenance throughout Edenderry

Local election candidate for Independent Ireland in the Edenderry area Fergus McDonnell recently raised the issue of delayed road maintenance and repair throughout the entire Edenderry area at a meeting of Offaly Joint Policing committee (JPC.)

Motorists, cyclists and pedestrians are acutely aware of the degree road conditions were allowed to deteriorate to since late autumn up to recent weeks. Mr McDonnell said it was totally unacceptable for the public at large that Offaly County Council appear to have a policy of delaying maintenances of roads throughout the Edenderry electoral area.

"As a member of Offaly’s Joint Policing committee until recently, I secured agreement with the chairman of Offaly’s Joint Policing committee for the important issue to be an agenda item at the recent JPC meeting. Joint Policing Committees comprise Chief Superintendent and Gardai for Laois/Offaly Garda Division, Offaly County Council senior management, councillors and community representatives, and I as a community representative was well placed to have the unacceptable delay of road maintenance throughout the area highlighted at this forum as a road safety issue.

Continuing, Mr McDonnell stated the fact the item did not appear on the agenda as agreed one week in advance with the chairman of the JPC indicates a degree of contempt from the establishment, but, undeterred he pursued the matter as a public safety issue due to the potential for road conditions contributing to serious accidents, and worse, fatalities.

He informed the meeting, in his attempt to be fully informed on factors causing and contributing to road accidents by way of sourcing data or statistics, while there was data on speed, drink or drug factor data available, it was more than ironic and inconceivable that since the foundation of the State, there was not one piece of data or statistic available to indicate road conditions contributed to or was the cause of road accidents or fatalities.

Mr McDonnell did not accept county council managements reply of prolonged bad weather and staff shortages grounding the delay of road repairs. He reminded council management that a new inner relief road in Edenderry was near completion and that other local authorities carry out road maintenance in the very same weather conditions. "It is totally unacceptable, the public throughout North Offaly should have to wait for the annual roads programme in order to have roads maintained to standard."

If elected to Offaly County Council on June 7, Mr McDonnell is committed to ensuring the Edenderry electoral area’s roads are maintained regularly.