Lions Club to roll out 'Message in a Bottle' campaign in Tullamore
Tullamore Lions Club has launched a 'Message in a Bottle' campaign aimed at helping emergency services access vital information about vulnerable people quickly and easily in a crisis situation.
"Nowadays many of us rely on medication, taken daily, to maintain our health. Those of us who live alone or spend time alone at home may worry about what if I need medical help at home and I’m not in a position to provide first responders with information on the medication I am taking? We know that, in an emergency, if readily available, that information may result in a speedier response by those who come to our assistance,” explained Project Lead Paul Cullen.
The Lions Clubs Ireland has come up with a simple solution to that problem. It is called ‘Message in a Bottle’ and Tullamore Lions Club is rolling it out in the Tullamore region.
It simply directs the emergency services to information stored in a plastic bottle which is kept in the fridge of vulnerable people and people who live alone or those with medical conditions or allergies.
The information in the bottles will include a photograph, health details, an emergency contact, doctor contact and whether there are pets that need care.
It is hoped this will assist the emergency services responding to a call at homes that avail of the scheme. Stickers are put on the fridge and on the inside of the main entrance doors to alert the emergency services that the vital information is available in the fridge.
This scheme is free to the user. Tullamore Lions Club is providing and sponsoring the bottles.
The contents of the bottle are confidential to the individual the information relates to and first responders in an emergency.
Anthony Kearns, President Tullamore Lions Club, said that the club was pleased to be able to sponsor the scheme in the area.
“At a minimum it will save the Emergency Services valuable time identifying you and your emergency contacts by telling whether you have special medication or allergies or not. It is a potential lifesaver and provides peace of mind to users and their friends and families”, he added.
The initiative is also being supported by the HSE; the Fire and Ambulance Services and local pharmacists
The bottles are currently available from all local chemists.
What you do
· Complete all sections of the Personal Information Form
· Put the completed form in a bottle
· Place a copy of the prescription in a bottle
· Close the lid and place the bottle into the door shelf of your refrigerator.
· Attach on self-adhesive green cross onto the outside of the refrigerator door
· Attach one green cross inside your main entrance doors.
A few minutes delay in emergency services finding your home could make the difference between life and death.