Green Party candidate supports Birr Ukrainian residents
Green Party Local Election candidate Ekaterina Koneva met with Ukrainian residents of Elm Grove House in Birr, recently who are currently fighting for the opportunity to stay in their home.
Ms Koneva met with the Manager of Elm Grove House, Maureen O’Meara, to discuss the situation and possible resolutions to the issues.
The residents received notice from the Ukrainian Temporary Accommodation Team of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, informing them that “it is no longer possible to accommodate” them at the Elm Grove House. Nineteen of the residents have been offered new accommodation at Banagher Convent but the remaining residents have not yet received any notice about where they are being relocated to or when.
The Green Party held a Convention in Dublin on Saturday, April 20 and Ekaterina Koneva had a chance to discuss the Elm Grove residents concerns with the Minister of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth Roderic O’Gorman. The letters from the Elm Grove residents, the manager and several community organisations, including Offaly/Laois ETB and Birr Vintage Week, were handed to the Minister for consideration.
Ms Koneva stated: “We, community activists, community members, department officials and politicians should not have constant battles, we should work together to establish a strong and effective working system, where people's needs are prioritised before finances, and where the Government work quickly when facing challenges.”
The management and residents have sent a number of letters to several departments and politicians with the hope of overturning the decision to relocate Elm Grove residents.
The manager of Elm Grove House stated: “There are no reasonable grounds for the contract not being reviewed, as the owners of the Elm Grove House are more than happy to continue to accommodate the beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine, who are fleeing the war.”