Offaly Community Games honoured with civic reception
Offaly County Council recently hosted a civic reception to honour the contribution of Offaly Community Games.
The council Cathaoirleach Cllr Eddie Fitzpatrick, on behalf of the elected members, held the civic reception to honour Offaly Community Games, an organisation that celebrates dedication, a legacy boasting over 50 years in existence and one which looks forward to the future.
Exploring the topic of community games, Cllr Fitzpatrick said: “Community Games is often referred to as a mini-Olympics and it is easy to see why due to the wide range of sports contested. Everything from individual events like athletics, swimming, gymnastics, judo and cycling to team events including football, hurling, soccer, rugby, rounders, handball, and many others. Community Games also offers a range of cultural events also including art, model making, drama, music, dancing. Options such as handwriting, chess and draughts are also available. There really are endless opportunities for all.”
Chief Executive Anna Marie Delaney said: “The life blood of Community Games has been the countless volunteers across communities in Offaly (and the wider country) who keep the games afloat every year and strive to make as many opportunities as possible available to children of various abilities and interests.”
Ms Delaney sdaid the efforts of all volunteers hade no doubt helped to pave the way for several noteworthy Offaly sporting figures who competed at the national Community Games finals including Olympians James Nolan and Jordan Conroy. Paralympic silver medallist Nicole Turner also competed in mainstream swimming in Offaly Community Games.”
Ms Delaney added “I am delighted that Jude Feehan, Chairperson of Offaly Community Games, is joined by representatives from the eleven affiliate clubs and the diligent team and Board Members of Offaly Sports Partnership.”
Chairperson of Offaly Community Games, and recent recipient of a national Community Games National Volunteer Awards 2023, Jude Feehan spoke of his “honour and pride” at receiving a civic reception in recognition of the 50th anniversary of the Community Games. Mr Feehan added: “This is a momentous occasion that marks not only the longevity of our organisation but also the incredible impact it has had on our community over the past five decades.”
Offaly Community Games means so much to so many. An Cathaoirleach Cllr Eddie Fitzpatrick concluded: “I am delighted to show how much we value the Offaly Community Games movement by hosting this Civic Reception.”