The former Recks/Co-Op building on River Street in Clara is to be redeveloped as a multi-purpose community facility.

Clara building revamp "will improve the street and meet community's needs"

The redevelopment of a derelict building in Clara as a multi-purpose community space will "visually enhance the streetscape as well as meeting the needs of the community," according to the Cathaoirleach of Offaly County Council.

Cllr Eddie Fitzpatrick was speaking about the Clara Town Team's success, in partnership with Offaly County Council, in securing funding for the purchase of the Co-Op, or former Recks building, on River Street.

Minister Heather Humphreys confirmed last Monday that the building would be purchased for redevelopment under the Government's Town and Village Renewal Scheme.

In a statement issued on Friday, Offaly County Council said the Co-Op was "a very significant building in terms of its place in Clara's history, its prominent access to the Brosna River, and its town centre location".

It said the Clara Town Team could now further apply for Town and Village grants to assist with design fees and future capital costs to refurbish the building into a multi-purpose community space.

Anna Marie Delaney, chief executive of Offaly County Council welcomed the announcement, saying: "This initiative is all about giving our local communities the tools to address the challenges of vacancy and dereliction in their towns and villages and, in doing so, we will help to drive footfall into our town centres and make them even better places to live, work and invest in.

"I would like to congratulate the Town Team on this success and their diligent work to date."

Council Cathaoirleach Eddie Fitzpatrick added that "bringing such a prominent building back into use is excellent news for the town of Clara and will visually enhance the streetscape as well as meeting the needs of the community."