Tullamore District Court

Five sent forward for trial on obstruction of Ashling Murphy murder investigation

The wife of convicted murderer Jozef Puska has been sent forward for trial to the Central Criminal Court charged with withholding information into the investigation of the killing of Ashling Murphy.

Puska’s wife Lucia Istokova (34) was one of five people to appear before Tullamore District Court on Tuesday afternoon in relation to the investigation into the murder of Ms Murphy.

Two of Puska’s brothers have also been charged with withholding information into the murder investigation and have also been sent forward for trial to the Central Criminal Court.

Two other women also appeared before Judge Andrew Cody during a hearing which lasted just 12 minutes at Tullamore District Court.

Garda Stacey O’Brien gave evidence of serving the book of evidence to each of the five defendants. None of the five spoke during the hearing other than to confirm their name. A Slovakian language interpreter was in court to assist the accused people.

All five, who were represented in court by solicitor David Powderly, were granted free legal aid.

A restriction on the publication of the addresses of the five defendants continues.

Puska’s wife Lucia Istokova is charged with failing to disclose to Gardai information which might be of assistance in securing the apprehension, prosecution or conviction of Jozef Puska on a date unknown between 12/01/2022 and 27/01/2022

Puska’s brothers, Marek (34) and Lubomir (35) Puska, faced similar charges.

Jozefina Grundzova (33) and Viera Gazoiva (38) are both accused of impeding the apprehension or prosecution of a person.

Judge Cody remanded all five defendants on continuing bail and sent each of them forward to the next sitting of the Central Criminal Court.