Some of those who attended the event at Shishir Restaurant. Photo: Michael McGrath.

Tullamore restaurant holds event for Gaza

Tullamore for Gaza, a local group of people that have come together in solidarity with Gaza, held an event calling for a true, permanent ceasefire, on Saturday, December 2. From 12 - 2 pm, the Shishir restaurant on High Street in Tullamore opened its doors to provide a space for people to write letters to their local TDs, An Taoiseach and the Israeli Ambassador. Finger food was also provided by the Shishir and over €400 was raised by Tullamore for Gaza for the UNICEF Ireland Gaza Appeal.

Speaking about the event, organiser in the group, Sarah Cantwell, said: "It was fantastic to see so many people from all across Offaly attend this, our second event, in as many weeks. As well as letters to politicians, we also used this time to get a letter off to the big man himself, Santa, to ask him to bring peace to all of the children in Gaza. It is difficult to reconcile this festive period with the scenes of death and destruction in Gaza right now. We are grateful that the people of Tullamore are keeping the people of Gaza in their thoughts, even at this busy time of the year."

Tullamore for Gaza will be continuing its activities into December and into 2024. To keep up to date with them, check out their Facebook or Instagram pages.