Icy weather warning extended to Sunday as temperatures drop below -5°C

All areas of the country will be under a low-temperature weather warning for the majority of this weekend, after temperatures dipped below -5°C in Roscommon yesterday (Thursday).

Met Éireann this morning extended its yellow-level cold weather warning, which is due to be in effect for 43 hours, from 5pm today, Friday, until 12 noon on Sunday.

A separate weather warning for fog is also in effect for the same period, with dense fog "lingering through the day" in some places.

The forecasting service said the Midlands and other parts of the country would continue to see cold day and night time temperatures, with frost and ice persisting in many areas.

The wintry weather will bring "hazardous travelling conditions" this weekend, with slippery ground underfoot. People also being reminded to look out for their pets during the cold snap.

Yesterday, the Met Éireann weather station at Mount Dillon in Roscommon recorded a temperature of -5.1°C, which was the lowest reading at any of the forecaster's weather stations.

At its Mullingar station, the lowest temperature recorded on the last day of November was -2.1°C, while at the Gurteen weather station in Roscrea yesterday's low was -4.1°C.