Tullamore’s Grace Crossen, a student at Trinity College Dublin, is is pictured with Andrew Flynn, General Manager, Janssen Pharmaceutical Sciences, at Thomond Park, Limerick to mark her receipt of a scholarship from global healthcare company, Johnson & Johnson. Picture: Conor McCabe Photography.

Grace receives STEM scholarship award

Grace Crossen from Tullamore was among 62 students who have been awarded scholarships as part of the prestigious Women in STEM2D Undergraduate Awards at the first ever national event held in Thomond Park Stadium, Limerick.

Grace, is studying Chemical Sciences at Trinity College Dublin, and the award recognises outstanding female students in STEM2D disciplines: science, technology, engineering, maths, manufacturing and design.

Sixty-two students from Trinity College Dublin, University of Limerick, University College Cork, University of Galway and Munster Technology University have received scholarships as part of the programme.

This is the eighth year of the annual awards programme, showcasing the company’s commitment to advancing female excellence in STEM fields.

This is the first year that the company has brought all recipients together for a day-long event, with all attendees benefitting from a unique learning experience, including workshops and breakout sessions, carefully tailored to foster their growth and provide them with the essential skills and knowledge needed to prepare them for a successful career.

Each scholarship recipient is set to embark on an inspiring journey, gaining access to a student award, industry mentorship, leadership training, career workshops, Johnson & Johnson site visits, and participation in events aimed at bolstering their future in STEM careers.

Recipients of the Johnson & Johnson WiSTEM2D Award scholarship were also presented with bespoke framed glass artwork crafted by Fermoy-based artist Suzanne O'Sullivan.