Offaly SPCA draws up closure plans amid volunteer shortage

Offaly Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has drawn up plans for closure as its members struggle to cope with the workload.

After 38 years in operation the charity says it has reached crisis point, prompting its members to plan for an organised wind-down of operations if it is not successful in its call for additional volunteers.

Offaly SPCA says the response to their call for volunteers later this month will determine whether or not they continue to operate beyond 2024.

In order to stay in operation the OSPCA says it urgently needs volunteers to help in any of the following areas.

More cat/kitten, dog/puppy fosterers are needed. At least another four volunteers to deal with cat and dog phone lines. Volunteers are required to help manage their online presence, social media and with admin/record keeping skills. Help is needed in dealing with The Charity Regulatory Authority and Department of Agriculture requirements. Volunteers who could help with Trap Neuter and Return (TNR) of feral cats and help with transport and general transporting. Three outside trustees with a genuine concern for animals and their welfare who have additional business skills to bring to the table.

“If most of the above needs fail to be met then the OSPCA will be forced to completely close its doors by gradually winding down its operations within a limited time frame leaving behind 38 years of hard work, thousands upon thousands of lives saved because of their efforts,” the OSPCA said.

“We will try not to think about the desperate cases, the sad, sick or injured cases needing our help but can’t be saved because we are no longer there. The guilt and the distress will be overwhelming but we know for certain that we simply cannot go on any further as we are. The animals in Offaly deserve a plan that saves the OSPCA, they do not deserve a plan to close,” the OSPCA concluded.

All five Offaly SPCA committee members will be available to meet with anyone interested in offering help.

The Open Day will be held in the room directly opposite Jenny’s Kitchen in The Mall in Tullamore on Saturday, September 30 from 12 noon to 3pm.

For anyone unable to drop by on Saturday, September 30, the OSPCA can be contacted via email at or by leaving a voice message on any of the following numbers: Office on 086 3785584 or Dogs on 086 8262986 or Kittens on 086 0222432.