A Teagasc forestry pavilion at a previous Tullamore Show

Forestry and Sustainable Living at the 2023 Tullamore Show

This year the Tullamore Show will be held on Sunday August 13 where the Forestry and Sustainable Living section will be one of the major attractions. It will showcase all facets of Ireland’s rapidly developing farm forestry and renewable energy sectors.

With hi-tech machines, and an array of outdoor exhibits, the Forestry and Energy section is not to be missed in Tullamore.

The Forest & Sustainable Living section is a dedicated section within the show to promote and mainstream forest and energy with other agricultural enterprises. The Forestry and Sustainable Living Section, with its wide range of attractions for all the family, has proven a major success in previous shows.

As the private forest industry grows and develops, it is providing an ever increasing role in the provision of sustainable agriculture and combating climate change. The opportunities provided by a farm forestry enterprise to enhance family farm income particularly through new tree planting, afforestation, forestry thinning and wood energy will be highlighted at the Tullamore Show.

Renewable energy is an important phrase these days. This year the show will be well served from many companies displaying solar panels, boiler systems and efficient firewood stoves among others. There is something here for all home owners.

The Teagasc Forest Development Department stand will be within the Forest and Sustainable Living Section.

Teagasc Forest advisers and researchers will be on hand to assist on all tree planting and forestry inquires. It is a great opportunity to avail of comprehensive and up to date information on forestry and renewable energy as well as picking up a free forestry information pack and there will be a competition for children and adults on the stand so please visit. The Teagasc Forestry Development Department invite all to share in this experience on August 13