Rashina Vintage Club present a cheque for €2,000 to Athlone Sub Aqua Club, the proceeds of their Tractor and Vintage Truck, Car and Motorcycle Run in April.

Local vintage club's presentation benefits ASAC

Rashina Vintage Club held a celebration and presentation night in Flynn’s Ballycumber on Saturday, July 22 last, to hand over a cheque for €2,000 to Athlone Sub Aqua Club.

The cheque was the proceeds of this year’s very successful Tractor and Vintage Truck, Car and Motorcycle Run which took place on April 16 last.

Each year Rashina Vintage Club allocate funds to assist a local organisation provide services to local communities.

Athlone Sub Aqua Club was picked by the vintage club as this year’s recipient based on the excellent support they provide to the local community and beyond when required with their search and rescue service.