Neil Jordan says Sinéad O'Connor's death is 'tragic' but was 'not inevitable'

Vivienne Clarke

Film director Neil Jordan, who is godfather to Sinéad O’Connor’s youngest child, has described the death of the singer as “tragic but not inevitable” and that she had so much more work to do.

“I'm sure she could have done extraordinary things when she got through this turbulent period in her life. But it wasn't to be. You know, she died far too young,” he told RTÉ radio’s News at One.

The pair first met when Mr Jordan tried to facilitate an introduction to the singer for the actor Sean Penn, that did not happen, but the director and singer met afterwards in Dublin and became friends.

The last time the two met was a month ago in Dalkey where the singer had bought a small cottage. He was walking by, and she was sitting outside smoking a cigarette, they had a cup of coffee and talked about music.

“She was one of the most amazing voices that I've ever come across.

“She was remarkably intelligent and remarkably artistic and always made these extraordinary leaps that most of us don't. So that's why I would have loved to see more of her work.

“I knew her through various ups and downs and misery. Our paths would cross and we never fell out, she was a big person in my life’.