Covid restrictions return at Kerry hospital due to spike in numbers

Anne Lucey

Full mask-wearing and other measures, including a limit on visits, have been reintroduced at University Hospital Kerry (UHK) amid a spike in Covid in Kerry.

The visitor restrictions imposed on Monday night at University Hospital Kerry are a response to a doubling of cases of Covid, particularly amongst older adults, the health authority has said.

The Department of Public Health, HSE South West Cork and Kerry has been notified of an increased number of Covid-19 cases during July 17th to 23rd.

The reported increase is primarily among adults aged 65 years and older. Sixty-one cases of Covid-19 were reported during that week compared to 30 cases the previous.

There has not been any observed increase in admissions to Intensive Care Units or deaths among patients with Covid-19.

‘Trends in reported Covid-19 cases will continue to be monitored closely,’ Cork-Kerry Community Healthcare said.

The statement was in response to a query about the visitor restrictions.

Meanwhile, in a statement, the Tralee hospital said: "University Hospital Kerry was experiencing a significantly increased number of Covid-19 admissions to the hospital along with a high level of emergency presentations."

‘Our priority is to patients and visitors’ safety as well as the safety of our dedicated team, therefore University Hospital Kerry has taken the decision to put in place measures to ensure that visiting takes place on as safe basis, as is possible.

"All visitors are required to wear masks and hand hygiene is in full force.  Only one visitor per patient per day is allowed in general wards and this has to be agreed in advance with the visitor co-ordinator."

Deputy Manager/Operations Manager for UHK, Damien Moyles said: "University Hospital Kerry empathises with and understands that this arrangement will make it difficult for some families, however our priority is to continue to keep your loved ones safe."