Housing Minister, Darragh O'Brien, addresses a recent breakfast briefing in Edenderry organised by the Edenderry Fianna Fail Cumann

Offaly social housing list down by almost 30%, says Minister

The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien told a recent breakfast briefing for Fianna Fáil members in Edenderry that the social housing list in Offaly has reduced by almost 30% over the last four years.

The Minister was joined by Deputy Barry Cowen, former Taoiseach, Brian Cowen, and Councillors Robert McDermott and Eddie Fitzpatrick, as well as a large turnout of local grassroots members, at the briefing.

This was Minister O'Brien's second visit to Edenderry within the past six months, having officially open the Fianna Fáil office in the town earlier this year. He commended the organisation for continuing to strengthen its presence in North Offaly.

“The last time I was in Offaly I got to view a number of housing developments and see the significant work going on in the town. Progress is being made here and we do need to keep the momentum going.

“From 2019 to 2022, the social housing waiting list in Co. Offaly has reduced by 29.5%. 896 homes have been completed from Q2 2020 to the end of last year including 347 social homes. In the first seven months of this year 1,710 renters have claimed the €1,000 renter’s tax credit and since we increased the Help-to-Buy in 2020, 366 buyers in Offaly have availed of it" he told the breakfast briefing.

Deputy Barry Cowen said Minister O ’Brien’s commitment to Offaly "is without question" and added that he had funded developments in Edenderry, Daingean, Tullamore, Mucklagh, Clara, Ballycumber, Belmont, Banagher, Birr and Moneygall.

"His Department ensured Offaly County Council provided over 500 housing solutions last year in Offaly and the government is initiating various affordable, cost rental, help to buy, shared equity options for home seekers" said Deputy Cowen.

While acknowledging that the housing crisis is "by no means over or solved" Deputy Cowen said he was working alongside local Councillors and Minister O’Brien "to provide various means of help for those we represent.”

Cllr. Robert McDermott thanked the Minister for taking time out of his busy schedule to visit Edenderry and said the large turnout at the breakfast briefing "shows the strength of the Fianna Fáil organisation in Offaly" which is in "good health" for the local elections in June 2024.

Cllr McDermott further thanked the Minister for the recent increase in the income threshold for social housing in Offaly, which was a commitment he made on his last visit to Edenderry.

The local Fianna Fáil Cllr took the opportunity to seek the assistance of Minister O'Brien in progressing the design stage of the Wastewater Treatment plant in Edenderry.