Events celebrating Charlotte Brontë and her husband Arthur Bell Nicholls of Banagher will take place from July 21 to 23.

Events in Banagher set to celebrate Charlotte Brontë

This year's tenth That Beats Banagher festival is spread over two weekends with the second weekend, from Friday, July 21st to Sunday, July 23 devoted to celebrating Charlotte Brontë and her husband Arthur Bell Nicholls of Banagher.

The programme includes three films, a tapestry and stitchcraft exhibition, three talks, two poetry readings and two heritage walks.

Speakers and readers include Maebh O'Regan, Eileen Casey, Frances Browner, Joanne Wilcock, Michael O'Dowd, Kieran Keenaghan and James Scully. All events will be held in or start from The Crank House on lower Main Street.

The events are free but donations will be most welcome. For full details go to the That Beats Banagher festival website in the highlights - culture and heritage section.