Some of the existing sections of the ecotrail at Knockbarron wood.

Funding boost for Slieve Bloom forest trail plan

Plans to develop new sections of an ecotrail at the Coillte forest at Knockbarron in the Slieve Blooms have been granted some €46,000.

The funding was announced as part of a €1m allocation to deliver 25 new outdoor projects such as walking trails, loops, boardwalks, ecotrails and carpark facilities at Coillte properties.

Another €2 million will be invested in improving and maintaining 280 existing recreational facilities on Coillte-owned lands right across the country.

The funding was announced by Minister for Rural and Community Development Heather Humphreys under the Our Rural Future banner.

The investment is part of a Strategic Partnership between the Department of Rural and Community Development and Coillte that is designed to boost rural tourism and local economies.

Announcing the funding, Minister Humphreys said: “Ireland’s outdoors, including our forest parks, walking and cycling trails, uplands and blueways are among the best in the world.

“The benefits that they provide in terms of our physical and mental wellbeing are huge.

“They are also such important assets in terms of attracting tourists to Rural Ireland and supporting our local economies.

“I’m therefore delighted today to announce €3 million in funding to develop, support and enhance over 300 outdoor projects the length and breadth of the country.

“Some one million euro in funding will be used to deliver new outdoor recreation projects at some of our most beautiful forest parks and woodlands.

“And I’m also really pleased to announce that a further two million euro will be invested in maintaining and upgrading 280 different facilities nationwide – with every county set to benefit.

“This investment is further proof of how we are delivering for rural communities under our landmark rural development policy, ‘Our Rural Future’, as well as our National Outdoor Recreation Strategy, ‘Embracing Ireland’s Outdoors’.

The funding is part of a 5 year strategic partnership between the Department of Rural and Community Development and Coillte which will see a €15m investment over the five year period 2022 to 2026.