Offaly County Council seeking people's views ahead of drafting Tullamore Local Transport Plan

Offaly County Council and the National Transport Authority (NTA) are currently preparing a Local Transport Plan (LTP) for Tullamore and are inviting locals to complete an online survey to help make the LTP as inclusive and unique for the town as possible.

The council will use the results of this survey as part of the pre-draft stage to help inform and shape the recommendations and proposals of the Tullamore LTP.

The questions contained in the survey will provide valuable information as to how people currently move around Tullamore, why they choose current modes of transport, and what may encourage them to use more sustainable modes of transport in the future such as walking and cycling.

The LTP aims to improve connectivity and accessibility within Tullamore, ensuring that the town centre and its surrounding areas are a vibrant, attractive and sustainable place to live, work, visit and invest.

Offaly County Council looks forward to continued public interest and participation during the remainder of the LTP making process. Once a Draft Local Transport Plan has been developed, it will be published for public consultation, to once again get additional feedback on the draft proposals.

The survey closes on Friday, June 30 at 5pm and the link to the survey can be found here