Over €1.5m in Offaly fund to adapt homes for older and disabled people

The Government has today (Tuesday) announced the latest funding allocations for Housing Adaptation Grants for Older and Disabled people, with some €1.57 million being granted for Offaly.

Of this funding allocation for the county, the Exchequer is to provide €1.26m, with Offaly County Council providing the remaining €315,875.

Under the housing adaptation scheme, grants of up to €30,000 are available to assist disabled people in carrying out necessary works to make a house more suitable for their needs.

Additionally, grants of up to €8,000 are available to assist older people to have necessary repairs or improvements carried out on their homes, while grants of up to €6,000 are available for mobility aids.

Housing Minister Darragh O'Brien said the nationwide funding for the grants this year was €83.1m, which represnted a 2.3% increase on the 2022 initial allocation.

"This allocation will build on the success of last year where we exceeded the number of home adaptations initially targeted nationally," said the Minister.

"We want to empower and enable people to live independently in their own homes for as long as possible – these grants help us to do just that. They also provide a boost to the local economy in Offaly, creating employment opportunities for local contractors."