Certain vacant premises including pubs can be turned into housing without planning permission under recent regulations.

Commercial premises being turned into housing in Offaly

Since 2018 Offaly County Council has received nine notifications of intention to build a total of 28 homes from those planning to convert vacant commercial premises into homes.

These figures relate to regulations which provide those planning on converting certain commercial properties into homes with an exemption from requiring planning permission. The regulations are aimed at increasing much-needed housing supply and renewing towns and communities. Last year, Minister O’Brien amended the 2018 Regulations to include an exemption for the conversion of vacant pubs. He extended the Regulations to the end of 2025, as committed to under the Government’s ‘Housing for All’ plan and ‘Town Centre First’ policy.

In 2022, Offaly County Council received notifications of five exempted developments aimed at providing 23 homes. Nationally, 260 notifications indicated intent to provide 665 homes.

Commenting on the figures, Minister O’Brien said: “Today’s figures show that extra homes in Offaly are being provided due to these regulations that make it easier to convert certain vacant commercial premises, including vacant spaces over ground-floor premises, into housing. Crucially, these regulations also encourage town centre renewal, a Government priority. That is why I extended these exemptions until the end of 2025 last year.

The figures have been published as the second phase of the department’s national ad campaign to raise awareness of the Government’s vacant property supports begins. The campaign’s second phase highlights these planning permission exemptions and the Repair and Leasing Scheme.

Minister O’Brien added: “This Government is determined to eradicate the blight of vacancy and dereliction that afflicts many of our towns. We have many schemes and supports out there to help people convert a derelict building or premises into a home. We are running a national campaign to alert the public to these supports and I hope to see many more conversions of such properties in Offaly in the year ahead.”