Mucklagh Community Development was one of the organisations to benefit.

Almost €2m in funding for 14 Offaly community groups

Minister of State Pippa Hackett has welcomed the allocation of almost €2 million for 14 Community Support Programmes across Offaly.

Senator Hackett said the announcement of €1,938,076 for Community Support Programmes across Offaly was welcome news.

"The mechanism for funding Community Support Programmes changed for 2023 and the new, increased rates are based on a more sustainable model. This model aims to addresses actual needs of organisations, rather than the flat rate payments model that we saw previously.

"This system will ensure a higher rate of funding, particularly supporting employees in organisations that are operating in areas of high disadvantage, employing individuals from the prescribed programme target group(s) who may have limited earning potential.

"These Community Service Programmes provide an invaluable service in many communities right across Offaly and it is vital that they are facilitated in continuing to do that work. The past number of years have been difficult for these organisation and many remain in financial need. I am delighted that this funding has been made available to continue the vital work of CSP’s across Offaly in 2023”