Some of the cast of 'A Wake in the West' from Coolderry Drama Society pictured at the opening night of the play last weekend.

Coolderry Drama Society to extend production of 'A Wake in the West' following successful run

Coolderry Drama Society has made the decision to extend its run of the comedy play 'A Wake in the West' following its successful three-night run last weekend.

The three-act comedy centres on the wake of Tom Healy, a man who was known to be 'fond of the drop.' Tom's controversial last request threatens to humiliate his family and make them the laughing stock of the small fishing village in which they live. Not your regular mass-goer, Tom's wishes have to be discussed with the priest and doctor which was common practice in 70’s Ireland.

The real mayhem begins when Rose, an elderly neighbour arrives at the house to pay her respects and her actions set in motion a sequence of hilarious events.

The comedy play is directed by Paul Spencer and promises to be a great nights entertainment.

The cast is as follows: Tom Healy, a fisherman played by Tommy Teehan, Dr Linda, local doctor played by AnnMarie O Meara, Mary, Tom’s daughter played by Sue Cleary Margaret, a neighbour played by Jamie McCormack, Rose, an elderly neighbour played by Sandra Maloney, Joan, a family friend played by Lorna Dardis Barney, Margaret’s husband played by Tom Kelly, Fr Cassidy, parish priest played by Gilbert Byrant and Martin Healy and Tom’s son played by Micheál Carey.

The play will be held for a final time in Coolderry Hall on Saturday, February 4 at 8.30pm in aid of the charities Mason’s Journey and The Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust. Tickets are available on the door.

Mason's Journey was set up to help Mason and his family as they navigate his brain tumour diagnosis. The Kevin Bell Repatriation trust was founded by the family of Kevin Bell who sadly passed away following a hit and run accident in New York in 2013. Following on from this tragedy Kevin’s Family set up the foundation in his name with the aim of assisting families to repatriate loved ones who have died suddenly abroad home to Ireland.