Famous Antarctic explorer visits Gaelscoil na Laochra

There was great excitement at Gaelscoil na Laochra in Birr recently as Paddy Barry, famous Antarctic explorer and sailor, visited the students of the school. The students of the Senior Class in Gaelscoil na Laochra Birr had just completed a stimulating project on Ernest Shackleton, the Irish explorer who led the famous Antarctic Endurance expedition of 1914-1917, which culminated in the visit of Paddy Barry to their class. Paddy Barry was joint leader of the 1997 South Arís Antarctic expedition which followed the same journey as Shackleton’s Endurance. Outside of this expedition, he has led many other Polar expeditions and is the recipient of numerous awards for his explorations including the prestigious Blue Water Medal.

As part of their project work, the students explored the lives of sailors using primary source documents, created a small-scale model of Shackleton’s expedition boat, and learned how to do eye-splice knots. Paddy Barry commented that he was extremely impressed by their work and knowledge of Shackleton’s famous polar expedition. Colm Ó hAnluain, Senior Class Teacher and presenter of 'Na Innealtóirí Óga' on TG4, was also busy building a replica model of Shackleton’s James Caird boat which was brought to the school for Paddy Barry’s visit.

Paddy Barry spoke to the students about his own expedition to the Antarctic following in the footsteps of Shackleton and shared the trials and tribulations of such a perilous journey. He also answered questions from the students about his own experiences including how he gained an interest in exploration, his favourite Antarctic wildlife and the importance of working as part of a team. The students were delighted when Paddy Barry also played a rendition of the song ‘The Ballad of the Boss Shackleton’ for them on guitar.

The visit culminated with the students replicating Shackleton’s journey by pulling the James Caird model boat along the ice as Shackleton and his team had done 125 years ago in their famous expedition. With the visit taking place during Ireland’s cold snap last Thursday, the wintry conditions really added to the immersive learning experience and the students were left inspired to take on more explorations of their own!