Esker Arts Centre seeking suggestions to name spaces in new centre
Esker Arts Centre is asking the public in Offaly for suggested names for some of the centre's principal spaces and rooms.
The Chairperson of the Esker Arts CLG, Conor Brady, says there are five or six spaces that will shortly be in use, including the main theatre or auditorium, the foyer, two galleries and an outdoor amphitheatre. “We want these spaces to have names that people living in Offaly can relate to,” he said. “So we’re asking for ideas. Some people have already suggested using the names of local streets or districts. But if we choose five or six of these, we’ll be leaving a lot of places out.
"Similarly, we have thought about naming spaces after persons with an Offaly connection who have distinguished themselves in the arts. But again, that would mean leaving a lot of people out,” he explained. “So we’re thinking about names that bespeak the physical landscape, the waterways and the landmarks of County Offaly. These could be in the Irish or the English form. We’re open to ideas.”
Mr Brady added: “Regrettably, we won’t be able to acknowledge suggestions individually or enter into dialogue. But anyone who does come in on this can be assured that every suggestion will be carefully considered.”
To suggest possible names for consideration, people can visit and complete an online form with their suggestion/s, not later than Friday, November 4. There is also a link to the page here.
For further information contact Esker Arts via email at