New project aims to tackle low number of women in Offaly politics
Offaly has the lowest number of women elected in Local Government in Ireland with just one female councillor out of nineteen. To help address this deficit, a new initiative to inspire, equip and support women in Offaly to get involved in politics is launching next week in Tullamore.
Offaly County Council has partnered with Women for Election to launch the Supporting More Women for Local Election Programme. The programme has been designed and delivered by Women for Election on behalf of Offaly County Council and is funded by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. Increasing the number of women elected is an objective of The Programme for Government – Our Shared Future.
The programme will launch in Tullamore Court Hotel on Tuesday, October 18 from 7pm-9pm. Minister of State at the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Peter Burke and Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Pippa Hackett will both speak at the event. Following the launch there will be a series of training programmes which aim to inspire, equip and support women to get more involved in politics and to consider running for election or supporting another woman to run.
The series of training events kicks off with an online Introduction to Politics workshop on October 19 and in person in Tullamore on the evening on October 26. This workshop offers a fantastic opportunity for women in Offaly to learn more about Irish politics including the local and national political structures. An inspiring leadership workshop entitled 'Be The Leader' focuses on participants reflecting on the type of leader they would like to be in their community. This event will run online on the evening of November 2, with acclaimed entrepreneur and broadcaster Margaret E Ward. This phase of the initiative will end with the immensely popular INSPIRE Campaign School being delivered in Tullamore for the first time on November 12. This Campaign School will run for a full day with a focus on building confidence, increasing communications skills, and learning about campaigning.
Caitríona Gleeson, CEO of Women for Election said: "There is a role for everyone in the community to play here. Whether you know a woman who would make a fantastic leader, or you are a woman thinking of getting involved in politics or supporting another woman to run. It’s so important to have women represented at every level of decision making, and we know women are doing incredible things across the county. Now is the time to step forward to represent your community and count yourself in to run, and Women for Election will be there to support you in that journey."
The organisation is inviting members of the community to register and join in on October 18 to officially launch this important and timely programme.
To learn more about this campaign and register for any of the trainings or the launch, please head to or via Eventbrite.