The former railway station in Edenderry

Exciting greenway plan proposed for Edenderry

Fianna Fáil Cllr. Robert McDermott recently initiated a project planning meeting in Edenderry to explore the development of a greenway (walkway/cycle path) along the old railway line linking Edenderry to Enfield. This line was opened in the early 1870s and closed in the early 1960s.

“Our vision would be to link the Royal Canal in Enfield to the Grand Canal in Edenderry in order to enhance the amenities available to the public and to increase tourism in this region,” commented Cllr. McDermott.

Once this project is up and running, the objective will be to seek Government support and funding for a feasibility study.

Cllr McDermott said: "Preliminary discussions have taken place with the Senior Planner in Offaly County Council and I wish to thank him for his support for this exciting and innovative project. "It is important to state that Greenways don’t have to follow an exact original route. Whilst the railway line is a good first reference point, this is a ‘blank sheet’ project initially and views and perspectives will be sought from a broad cross section of our community. It is envisaged that this project could, in part, be included in the Midland Cycling Strategy."

Cllr McDermott stated that there are many benefits and positives to a project like this including the potential to generate local economic activity, improve health through active living and improve community connections. It also increases the attractiveness of the area by providing a unique amenity and a sense of place and pride.

Expressions of interest from relevant organisations/individuals are welcome.