Appeal lodged against council's refusal of 99-unit Tullamore housing project
Offaly County Council's refusal of planning permission for a proposed 99 unit residential development on the Ardan Road in Tullamore has been appealed to An Bord Pleanala.
Joseph Doorley, c/o Paul Urwin, 1 Sarsfield Quay, Dublin, lodged the appeal on December 15.
Offaly County Council had, on November 18, cited two reasons for its decision to refuse permission for the project.
The council said the proposed development would materially contravene the zoning objective of the site, which it said was located in an area where the stated zoning objective was for business or technology park or strategic employment zone.
It said it was an objective of the council to support the development of strategic employment zones at Ardan Road to cater for the expansion of Midland Regional Hospital Tullamore and its continued development as a teaching/university hospital and/or a Med or Bio Techology Park with linkages to the hospital.
Secondly, the council said the proposal would be injurious to the residential amenities of the future occupants and contrary to the provisions of the best practice guide by the department.
It said it considered that the proposed development is dominated by roads and results in a poor design concept for the site.
The case is due to be decided by April 28.