Irish Rural Link says elderly in rural areas to be disadvantaged by new vaccine roll-out

Irish Rural Link (IRL), the national network representing the interest of rural communities, are calling on Government to put measures in place to help those over-70 get to the larger vaccine centres to access their Covid-19 vaccination as proposed in new plans announced today.

The IRL says that the Department of Health, the HSE and GPs in larger towns must work with rural transport and Local Link operators to ensure that those over-70 and those with suppressed immune systems living in rural areas who do not have access to a car are brought to these centres to get the vaccine.

CEO of IRL, Seamus Boland has said:

“We are running the risk of having those most susceptible to getting the virus missing out on receiving the vaccine because of where they live. A plan outlining measures must now be put in place to ensure they can access these centres easily.”

During the first Covid-19 lockdown, IRL were involved with colleagues from The Wheel in delivery the Covid-19 Community Outreach Programme. This ensured that all those ‘cocooning’ were linked in to essential services in their areas – were brought shopping or meals, medicines, and stayed connected to family, friends and neighbours in their community.

IRL now sees the need for this programme to be re-established as our community champions and volunteers may be able to assist people to the centres.