Yellow wind warning in place across country
A status yellow wind warning is in place across the country today, with northerly winds and gusts of up to 100km/h expected.
The warning was issued on Friday morning, with the onset of winds expected from 11am on Friday to 6am on Saturday morning.
Persistent rain will extend southwards across the country in the afternoon, turning heavy at times and wintry over high ground. Afternoon temperatures of 3 to 5 degrees will rise to between 5 and 8 later this evening.
Met Éireann has also warned of the possibility of coastal flooding.
Saturday is expected to be drier for most places, with improving sunshine, it will stay rather cloudy along Atlantic counties and in east Leinster with showery rain continuing there for a time. Afternoon temperatures 5 to 7 degrees, in mostly moderate north to northeast winds, strong for a time on western and southern coasts, then slackening later.
Met Éireann has also said temperatures will be much colder until next Wednesday with sharp to severe frosts, icy patches and wintry showers.