COVID-19 patient praises hospital staff after his 74-day treatment

PHOTO: Tim and Valerie O'Leary

A Dublin man and his wife are so delighted with the care he received as a Covid-19 patient in Tullamore that they are overcoming a reluctance to seek attention by going public with their thanks.

Tim and Valerie O’Leary from Blanchardstown have offered their thanks to the staff at the Midland Regional Hospital, Tullamore following Tim’s 74 days as a patient, including 43 days on a ventilator.

WATCH the heart-warming video of Tim being cheered as he leaves the hospital:

Valerie explained: "The reason we’re going public is, well, we talked about it, and we wouldn’t be people who want to be in the public eye, but it’s the only way we feel we can highlight Tullamore hospital, by going public with it and by saying how delighted we are with the fantastic work they do there.

"They were excellent in the hospital, they were just great with communicating, the doctors, nurses, everybody.

"We rang a couple of times a day, but they would ring me – one of the ICU nurses going home at 8 o’clock or so and they’d say ‘I’ll just ring you for a recap on how things went’.

"They did so much, and not just for Tim. They’d ring and they’d ask how I was. They really went above and beyond with the care, and we very much appreciated that."

Tim’s ordeal started with a chest infection. His doctor prescribed medication, but his condition deteriorated.

"I was taking an antibiotic, and then on the Sunday morning I woke up and I had difficulty breathing," said Tim.

"Valerie rang an ambulance, and I walked to the ambulance and I walked into the ambulance – but after that everything is blank, I remember nothing for the seven weeks."

Tim said the ambulance took him to Connolly hospital, where he was tested for Covid-19, but as there was no space in the ICU there, he was transferred to the Midland Regional Hospital, Tullamore, the following morning.

Tim (64) is now at home in Blanchardstown and is making a good recovery, though there is a long road ahead of him.

Valerie said: "Tim is a non-smoker and non-drinker and walks as much as he can, and I think that’s one of the main reasons he pulled through, because he was fit enough going into it."

During the first weeks when Tim was in Tullamore, Valerie was self isolating as a precaution.

"Our GPs but both of us forward for testing, but then the criteria changed and we were told we weren’t going to be tested, so my doctor told me to presume I had it [Covid-19] because nobody was going to be telling me I hadn’t.

“Then after Tim was diagnosed, the doctor in Tullamore was saying that because of close proximity to Tim, I was likely to have it."

She said she had some symptoms but no cough.

Tim said the medical professionals gave him the best of attention: "I’ll never forget them.

"They went beyond the call of duty. Dr D’Arcy and Dr Elbadri, the two doctors that looked after me, were fantastic, I’ll never be able to thank them enough for what they did for me."