Cllr John Foley.

'We need to do more for small businesses'

The payment of rates should be abolished for a three-month period due to the current coronavirus crisis, according to Cllr John Foley.

The Edenderry-based public representative is submitting a motion on the issue to the next meeting of Offaly County Council and he is hopeful of gaining support for the proposal.

The issue of rates is one I have highlighted on many occasions before the coronavirus came to Ireland. I have always felt that the level of rates for small and medium size businesses is too high but far too often my concerns have fallen on deaf ears.

I am now calling on the Government to abolish rates for a period of three months to give these businesses a chance to recover and give those that have had to close an incentive to reopen.”

He continues: “Far too often many public representatives forget that these small and medium size businesses and enterprises are the backbone of many communities, both urban and rural, and when the total number of people employed in them is added up, it amounts to many thousands of people”.

Cllr Foley says, that as a country we cannot afford to sit back and see many of these businesses feel that they have no other option but to keep their doors closed after the crisis abates.

He acknowledges the wonderful work done by all frontline workers and the many volunteers who are ensuring the elderly who are cocooning have the necessary food and medication they need.

Cllr Foley also suggests VAT could be reduced as a stimulus to the tourism and hospital industry.

The reduction in the rate of VAT for the tourist industry as well as the abolition of the payment of rates by small and medium size businesses will have a major impact in boosting our economy which has taken a hard hit and will take some time to recover.

We as a nation have shown that by working together we can bring this virus under control. We came back strong after the economic crash and by introducing these small measures for the businesses and tourist industry we can come back even stronger again,” he ends.