Health Minister Simon Harris outlines probable plans for coming weeks

Health Minister Simon Harris said it is his belief the current restrictions will continue for a few more weeks.

He told Ireland AM on Virgin Media One TV today that he did not think further restrictions would be imposed in the fight to contain the coronavirus but that the current measures are likely to remain in place for a period of weeks.
“We will always be guided by the public health experts .. but I don’t think we are in the space of more restrictions, I think it’s likely to be more about keeping doing what we’re doing.” 
However he did warn the public “what we’re not going to do is take our foot off the pedal too easily.”



On the issue of exactly how long the current restrictions might last Simon Harris said; “I don’t envisage the current level of very very significant restrictions continuing  for a very long time…What’s highly likely to happen tomorrow is the national public health emergency team will recommend that we continue the course we are on – that we continue with the very strict restrictions for a period of time, I expect that to be a period of weeks, but we will be guided by them in that regard."